2025 Guide to Interactive Wands and Spell Locations at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

One of *the* most immersive theme-park experiences ever created, was the introduction of interactive wands in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando Resort. 
Theses special wands allow guests of all ages to “cast spells” that produce an array of magical effects throughout both Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade.
Here’s everything you need to know about buying and using interactive wands in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando in 2025.

Interactive Wands in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Overview

It wasn’t until the opening of Diagon Alley (2014), that Universal Orlando debuted new, interactive wands that could be used to “cast” spells at both sides of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Previously, Universal only offered non-interactive wands. These were mainly sold for souvenirs + keepsakes.

How Do Interactive Wands Work at Universal Orlando in 2025?

Interactive wands have a black tiny half-sphere at the tip. 
The wand reflects light back to a sensor that tracks the movement of the wand. When a correct spell movement is detected, the system activates the magical effect.
Inside the interactive wand box, it includes a map showing where you can find each spell location. One side has Diagon Alley, and you’ll flip it over to see the spells in Hogsmeade.

How Much do Interactive Wands Cost at Universal Orlando in 2025?

  • Interactive wands

    • $65 (plus tax)
      • Limited Edition Collectors wands are $75.00 (plus tax)
  • Non-interactive wands

    • $55 (plus tax)
    • Note- Universal has phased the majority of these wands out.

Where Can You Purchase an Interactive WWoHP Wand at Universal Orlando?

You can buy an interactive wand throughout Universal Orlando Resort, CityWalk and at the on-site Universal Orlando Hotels. 
  1. Diagon Alley

    • Ollivander’s
    • Wands by Gregorovitch in the Carkitt Market area
    • Small selection of dark wizard wands in Borgin & Burkes
  2. Hogsmeade

    • Ollivander’s (actually in Dervish and Banges)
    • Outdoor Wand cart near the TriWizard Stage
  3. Universal CityWalk Store

  4. Universal Studios Florida Giftshop

  5. Islands of Adventure Trading Co.

How Do You Cast Spells with an Interactive Wand in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter?

Spell locations are marked by gold medallions marked on the pavement. Remember, these can be found by using your handy dandy map.

The Gold Medallion Show You:

  • Where to stand to cast that specific spell
  • The name of the spell 
  • The wand motion required to cast the spell

Spell Locations in Diagon Alley

Diagon Alley has 16 interactive wand spell locations. 
  • 11 in the main sections of Diagon Alley
  •  5 in Knockturn Alley

#1 Location: Pilliwinkle’s Playthings Spell: Tarantallegra The dancing feet spell causes trolls to dance in Pilliwinkle’s window

#2 Location: Flimflams Lanterns Spell: Incendio This spell lights the lanterns at Flimflams Lanterns.

#3 Location: Umbrella Sign Spell: Metelojinx Make it rain!

#4 Location: Magical Menagerie Spell: Silencio Causes a creature to stop chirping.

#5 Location: Wiseacres Wizarding Equipment Spell: Dark Detectors This one’s really kind of boring. Wave your wand a bit and eyes open up in the window. Maybe.

#6 Location: Wiseacres Wizarding Equipment Spell: Specialis Revelio This one is pretty cool. It reveals an archer on a star map. He fires an arrow and his dog retrieves it.

#7 Location: Scribbulus Spell: Wingardium Leviosa Levitates a quill above a parchment.

#8 Location: Bowman E. Wright Blacksmith Spell: Reparo

#9 Location: Bowman E. Wright Blacksmith Spell: Locomotor Bellows Works a bellows to stock the blacksmith’s fire.

#10 Location: Mermaid Fountain Spell: Aquamenti Creates a stream of water from the fountain.

#11 Location: Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes Spell: Descendo Flushes a plunger down a toilet.

Knockturn Alley Interactive Spell Locations

#1 Location: Chimney Sweep Elf Sign Spell: Locomotor Chimney Sweep This one may be a bit tough to spot. You have to look up! You’re looking for a red sign in the shape of a chimney. The spell causes a little chimney sweep to climb the chimney.

#2 Location: Dystal Phaelanges Spell: Moving Skeleton One of the most popular spells in the new park. Your body motions will be mirrored by the skeleton in Phaelanges’ window.

#3 Location: Noggin and Bonce Spell: Mimblewimble Silences the talking heads in the window.

#4 Location: Tallow and Hemp Toxic Tapers Spell: Incendio Has various effects on the bird in the cage.

#5 Location: Trackleshanks Locksmith Spell: Alohomora This one might give you a scare! A gust of wind is the effect.

Hogsmeade Spell Locations

#1 Location: Zonko’s Joke Shop Spell: Incendio Sets off spinning wheels and rockets.

#2 Location: McHavelock’s Spell: Arresto Momentum Stops water from pouring into a cauldron.

#3 Location: Honeydukes Spell: Revelio Opens a chocolate frog box to reveal the frog.

#4 Location: Dogweed and Deathcap Spell: Herbivicus Watch the plant in the window. The leaves will turn green.

#5 Location: Gladbags Wizardwear Spells: Ascendio and Descendio Raises and lowers a measuring tape on the robe in the window.

#6 Location: Madam Puddifoots Spell: Locomotor Snowman Moves the snowman cake topper.

#7 Location: Dervish and Banges Spells: Locomotor and Arresto Momentum Starts and stops the music box in the window.

#8 Location: Tomes and Scrolls Spell: Alohomora Opens/Unlocks a copy of Tales of Beedle the Bard.

#9 Location: Spintwitches Spell: Wingardium Leviosa Causes the Quidditch balls on display to levitate.

2025 Wizarding World of Harry Potter Secret Spell Locations

You’ll find 2 secret spell locations in Diagon Alley. These locations don’t have medallion marking making it more fun to find them.

Secret Spell #1

  • In the Scribbulus window to the right of the feather quill window
  • 16 different hidden messages appear on the parchment 
  • You'll cast multiple times for different messages

Secret Spell #2

  • The far-right window at Slug and Jiggers Apothecary there’s a display of dragon dung
  • The spell makes the dragon dung move, & you’ll smell a foul fertilizer scent

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