How To Get Free Gift Cards at Universal Orlando Resort in 2025

Did you know Universal Orlando Resort offers free gift cards? Not many people know you can get free gift cards for watching TV Pilots and commercials at Universal Orlando.
The next time you're in the park and want to beat the heat or rain-- head to the NBC Media Center off Hollywood Blvd. located inside Universal Studios Florida. 
If they're open, you just need to approach a with a team member with a clipboard to see if you’re eligible to participate. 

What is The NBC Media Center at Universal Orlando?

The NBC Media Center is an interactive survey attraction that allows Universal Orlando park guests to preview and focus-test an upcoming Universal Studios' film commercial, or television show. 

This survey has you seated in front of individual computer monitor equipped with headphones. During the survey, you’ll share your thoughts and opinion through a series of short answer and multiple choice questions. 
The surveys are done periodically, so you’ll only know if they’re open if you see Universal Orlando employee's wearing navy shirts and holding clipboards. As you walk by, the'll ask if you want to participate followed by a few demographic questions to see if you meet the needed research criteria.
It's important to note that this is a research project, so demographics are a huge determining  factor on if you can participate. Sometimes they will turn you away if you don’t meet the needed criteria.
The shows are typically 15-75 minutes long and the gift cards you receive can work in the park, resorts, restaurants, on-site hotels, and Universal Orlando CityWalk. These are an awesome way to pay for souvenirs like an interactive wand, or snacks during Mardi Gras and Halloween Horror Nights.

Where at Universal Orlando is the NBC Media Center Located?

NBC Media Center is located in the "Garden of Allah Villas" section of Universal Orlando's Hollywood area. Once your inside Universal Studios Florida,  head towards Simpsons and E.T. The NBC Media Center is on the right hand side in the Gardens of Allah Villas. 

What Do You Have to Do to Get a Free Gift Card at Universal Orlando?

When you see the Universal Orlando Team Members out with their clipboards, approach them to see if you can participate.They’ll ask you a list of questions and then let you know what the research project is. The longer or more intense the  research project, the more you’ll get compensated through gift cards
The last time Clayton and I did this, the whole experience took 75 minutes, and we both received $75.00 each.
We've been selected other times to watch a pilot commercial. Those took roughly 20-30 minutes, and we each got a $20.00 Universal Orlando gift card.

Is it Worth it?

If you are only visiting Universal Orlando Resort for one day, then I absolutely  wouldn’t recommend taking precious time out of your day to take part in the NBC Media Center reseach project. 
If you are visiting Universal Orlando for several days, then I would absolutely  see if the NBC Media Center is open during your next trip.
This is an also great way to rest your feet, get out of the sun/heat, or heavy rain. 
I've personally found this experience extremely rewarding, and have seen a few new shows long before they aired.

Photo curtsey of Alicia Stella Design

NBC Media Center Tips

  • For the best chances of meeting the research criteria, knock this out earlier in the day.
  • Universal Orlando typically looks for non-Florida residents, and you can only participate once a year.


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