7 Magical Details You’ll Hear Inside the Wizarding World of Harry Potter- Hogsmeade!

These hidden gems are oftentimes completely missed by the average guest whose quickly on their way to the next snack or ride.
Here are *some* of the many magical sounds that make Hogsmeade at Universal Orlando Resort so immersive.
Think of finding these details as either making you a pro on your first visit to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, or as part of your must-do list. Even if you’re a Universal Orlando veteran, I bet you’ve missed at least one of these details. As tempting as it is to go go go, take some time to slow down.
  1. Moaning Myrtle

Listen when you head into the Public Conveniences you’ll hear Myrtle winning away 
📍Hogsmeade Bathrooms

2. Various Howler’s Going Off

Listen for a few seconds — there’s various messages from angry parents.
📍Back of the Owl Post

3. Self Cleaning Pots & Pans

So wish we had self cleaning dishes in the muggle world.
📍Behind Honeydukes, along the wall of the Three Broomsticks

4.Hogsmeade Clock

Don’t forget to look up. Periodically the owl comes out like Cuckoo Clock. 
📍 Right in front of the entrance to Hargid's Motorbike Adventure

5. Cornish Pixies

When doing the Arresto Momentum Spell Location, you can hear the Cornish Pixies when the cauldron tips over.
📍 Cauldron above McHavelock’s

6. Quill Writing Away

You’ll see and hear a long quill writing away in a large book.
📍Left window of Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop

7. House Elves Whispering and Doing the Dishes

Stand at the staircase at the end of the Hogshead Pub Bar. You can hear the elves dropping dishes and talking amongst themselves periodically.
📍Hogs Head Pub

8. Crying Mandrake

You can’t miss them crying… no matter how busy it is.
📍Dogweed & Deathcap storefront window

Bonus Detail to Listen for Inside Hogsmeade

Listen for Professor Snape scolding Neville.
📍Harry Potter and The Forbidden Journey regular line queue (Behind the One Eyed Witch statue + Mirror of Erised).
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