3 Ways to Keep Your Interactive Wand Safe at Universal Orlando!

With interactive wands at Universal Orlando costing $65.00, they aren't cheap. There’s no worse feeling than the moment when you realize you’ve left, or lost your wand somewhere in the parks.  
Florida’s heat often times makes walking around all day in a robe just not a practical option either. Robes at Universal come with a handy dandy wand pocket inside!
Here’s 3 easy ways to keep your interactive wand safe when you're not practicing spells inside the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Use a Wand Holster

A wand holster gives you the ability to keep your wand safely secured to you. Clip it onto your shorts, Fanny pack, backpack, etc. Some styles can be worn like a crossbody, strapped around your calf, or worn on your inner forearm. 
You won't have to worry about it sticking out of your backpack, or accidentally leaving it on the Hogwarts Express (Yes, it's happened to me).
  • The Harry Potter wand holder above is by @simplyplainfancy!

    • An affordable option- $14-$17.00. 
    • It’s done well during random rain showers
    • Works fine with the longer wands like Sirius Black’s.

Protect the Interactive Wand Tip a Pencil Eraser Cap

  • Using an eraser cap helps protect the tip of the wand from getting damaged if you accidentally drop it when walking around. 
  • If you have a small child like me, It’s a life saver. Carson loves to bang it, or drag it on the ground.
  • It also helps protect the wand when you're stuffing it in and out attraction lockers all day long.
  • Yes, Ollivander’s Wand Shop offers free repair, but If you can save some time why not?

Carry a Backpack with a Built in Wand Holder

  • Vera Bradley’s Harry Potter Campus Backpack has a built in wand holder. It's deep enough to keep the wand secure, & pretty well disguised.
  • As long as this packsack isn’t filled to the brim, it’ll fit in the free lockers.
  • Use code Misswizardingworld to save on your next Vera Bradley bag!

Wand is raised to show where the wand holder is located on the backpack.


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